Program Design & Evaluation

Designing the perfect Healthy Corner Store with the Healthy Corner Store Network

Designing the perfect Healthy Corner Store with the Healthy Corner Store Network

We work with government agencies, non-profit organizations, health care providers, academic institutions, funders, and many others to co-create, implement, and evaluate public health strategies that create thriving communities.


Our partners succeed by managing programs and projects that address the specific needs of their local communities. While our clients are very much subject matter experts, we often collaborate using evidence-based practices to develop: 

  • action plans - What are the specific activities? What is the timeline?

  • strategic plans - What's the long-term goal for the program? Where do you want to be in 3-5 years?

  • logic models - What are the objectives and outcomes?

  • activity tracking - How can we set up systems for monitoring progress?


How has your program improved quality of life? How do community residents respond to it? What are the effects it has on other initiatives your organization manages? Our team uses both quantitative and qualitative methods of research to evaluate the impact of programs in local communities and on a national level. Some evaluation techniques include: 

  • community asset mapping

  • focus groups

  • listening sessions

  • key informant interviews

  • PhotoVoice & digital storytelling

  • surveys (online and in-person)

  • exit interviews